Work Hard, Play Harder: Happy Hour Done Right
The idea of "Happy Hour" was born in the 1920s, when it meant leisure time for sailors in search of an escape from life at sea. In modern times, deadlines and meetings and office politics can make for rough seas, so be your own el capitán and sail your way to a fine time:
Leave work at work. Just because you "left" work doesn't mean you actually left. You have to silence your phone, take a break from email, and avoid talking about work in order to really leave. You'll find the "happy" when you lose the stress.
Loosen up that tie. All business is great—at your cubicle. At Happy Hour, show your casual, fun side and others will join you. That's when the personalities come out and the good times start.
Order the usual, but not always. It's easy to order the usual red blend at Happy Hour, but you get enough routine on the job. Take a risk and switch up your order to a spicy Malbec.
Oh look, it's almost five o'clock. We'll toast to that.